Election Night Headlines - President Elect Obama
Kottke.org – “Hell Yeah Obama Won”
I’ve gathered screen shots of 32 prominent websites and news organizations from tonight’s historic event, Barack Obama being elected President of the United States. I’ve placed a few favorites at the top here including Kottke.org, Fox News, the Chicago Tribune, and a few others. Click on the pictures to view the full-size image.
Fox News – “President Obama”
Chicago Tribune – “Barack Obama, our next president”
Slate.com – “President Obama: He won Ohio. He’s going to the White House.”
The Huffington Post – “President-Elect Obama”
New York Times – “Racial Barrier Falls in Heavy Turnout”
Seattle Times – “Obama Wins, Makes History”
FiveThirtyEight.com – “Barack Obama President-Elect of the United States”
LA Times – “Obama Wins: First African American In Highest U.S. Office”
L.A. Times II -“Obama Wins: That is the True Genius of America – That America Can Change”
The Wall Street Journal – “Obama Sweeps to Historic Victory”
BarackObama.com – “Thank You; Change Can Happen”
Seattle PI – “Obama Victorious”
Real Clear Politics – “Barack Obama Elected President”
BBC – “Obama Wins Historic US Election”
The Onion – “Nation Finally Shitty Enough To Make Social Progress”
Google News / Associated Press – “Obama Becomes First Black President in Landslide”
C.S. Monitor – “Obama Sweeps to Historic Win”
NPR – “Obama Sails to a Sweeping Victory”
MSNBC – “Obama Wins Presidency”
CNN – “Change Has Come to America”
Washington Post – “Obama Sweeps to Victory in History-Making Campaign”
USA Today – “Obama: ‘This Is Your Victory'”
ABC News – “Mr. President”
Guardian.co.uk – “President Obama”
The Stranger – “FUCK YEAH! President Barack Obama”
Seattlest.com – Obama is President-Elect by a Landslide”
Politico – “History Happens: Obama Wins”
Seattle Weekly – “Barack Obama Will Be Our Next President”
Daily Kos
Talking Points Memo – “Obama Elected 44th President; ‘The Dream of Our Founders Is Alive'”
San Francisco Chronicle – “Barack Obama: ‘Change Has Come To America'”
UPDATE: Kottke.org has a listing of people who saved screen shots and other web-souvenirs last night in his 2008 election headlines post, including myself.